Welcome from our Executive Headteacher
Read moreMaking a positive difference
Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives
Curriculum Overview
At Greatwood Community Primary School we provide an engaging and relevant curriculum, enabling our children to create a thirst for knowledge, a love for learning and opportunities to flourish. We believe that providing our children with carefully planned learning experiences their personal development is enriched enabling them to become successful, confident learners.
Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives
Buzzing about bees!
We love making honey and learning all about bees from our very own Greatwood honey bees. We have two qualified beekeepers here at school who are registered with the British Beekeeping Association.
Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives
Outdoor learning
Outdoor education plays a really important part in our curriculum offer. Back in 2019, outdoor education was part of our Pupil Premium approach to raising standards here at Greatwood. We quickly saw the benefits and decided that this approach should be a non-negotiable for all of our children.
Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives
Greatwood Grocery
We're tackling food waste and food poverty in the local community with our very own grocery store. Every Tuesday between 9-3.30 we open the Greatwood Grocery to members of our school and the local community.
Great educationcan change lives

Great educationcan change lives
Our Eco-Rangers
Our team of eco-friendly pupils are responsible for promoting lots of ways to save energy at school and to help our environment. They work as a team, under the guidance of Mrs Yeoman to set challenges and targets for the school in it's bid to continue to be a successful 'Eco School'